Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

     · acetic acid      
     · vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, biotin, niacin
     · pectin
     · malic acid, folic acid, and pantothenic acid
     · enzymes
     · trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur,              
                              copper, iron, silicon and fluorine

Cooking Uses:
     · pickling
     · salad dressing

     · cleans coffee makers
     · polishes armor
     · polishes bathroom tiles (white vinegar)
     · polishes chrome (white vinegar)
     · disinfectant

     · kills weeds

Physical Health Benefits
          · may lower cholesterol
          · may lower blood pressure

     Immune System:
          · anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties (malic acid)
          · strengthens immune system

          · soothes intestinal spasms (sip diluted vinegar water)
          · prevents indigestion (1 tsp honey + 1 tsp ACV + 1 glass warm water, 30 min. before dining)
          · improves bowel irregularity
          · cures constipation

     Oral Care:
         · removes stains and whiten teeth  (gargle with diluted vinegar in the morning then brush teeth)
         · removes tartar and plaque (rinse with diluted vinegar)
         · kills bacteria in mouth  (gargle with diluted vinegar in the morning then brush teeth)
         · remedy for halitosis (1/2 tbsp of ACV + 1 cup of water and gargle)

          · may slow the growth of or kill cancer cells

     Skin and Hair:
          · helps clear up skin conditions and blemishes
          · acne (apply mixture: 1 part ACV + 3 parts water)
          · ease jelly fish stings
          · kills head lice
          · improves bruises (apply diluted mixture to bruise)
          · controls body odor (underarm - wipe with undiluted ACV)
          · controls foot odor & foot fungus (soak foot in 1/3 cup of ACV + a pan with warm water)
          · reduces age spots (diluted ACV)
          · reduce the appearance of cellulite
          · controls dandruff (spray 1/4 cup ACV + 1/4 cup water to hair, rinse after 15 minutes)

     Cold and Flu:
          · soothes sore throat  (¼ cup ACV + ¼ cup warm water and gargle every hour or so.)
          · reduce stuffy nose (1 tsp of ACV + 1 glass of water and drink)
          · drains sinuses and reduces sinus infections

     Muscles & Joints:
          · helps sprains
          · Alleviates arthritis and gout
          · helps exercise fatigue (1-2 tbsp ACV + 1 glass of chilled vegetable drink or a glass of water).
          · reduces nighttime leg cramp (2 tablespoons ACV + a little honey + 1 glass of water and drink)

          · increases metabolism
          · promotes weight reduction (breaks down fat)
          · Diabetes - vinegar may help lower glucose levels (2 tablespoons ACV)
          · ends hiccups (take 1 teaspoonful of vinegar)
          · protects against food poisoning (cleansing meats with vinegar)
          · prevents bladder stones
          · prevents urinary tract infections
          · All the information is for apple cider vinegar except when indicated.

Any information provided on is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not provided as medical advice. Information in this article is not exhaustive, does not cover all conditions, and does not provide treatment for disease or illness. Information can become outdated when new scientific discoveries are made. Seek the advice of your physician before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, or medical program.

Updated: 3/21/2013
