Have an ear ache?
Make a garlic oil solution and place a couple of drops in the affected ear.
According to the University of Maryland, garlic oil is as effective at relieving ear pains as prescription medication.
Quick Garlic Oil Eardrop Solution:
1 clove of peeled, crushed garlic
1/4 cup of olive oil or coconut oil
Microwave for approximately 30 seconds until solution is warm.
Allow the oil solution to cool to room temperature.
Apply oil to the affected ear with a dropper.
Discard unused oil after two or three days.
Any information provided on www.answersoutlined.blogspot.com is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not provided as medical advice. Information in this article is not exhaustive, does not cover all conditions, and does not provide treatment for disease or illness. Information can become outdated when new scientific discoveries are made. Seek the advice of your physician before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, or medical program.
University of Maryland Medical Center. "Otitis media." 2007. Web. 4 Mar 2013. <http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/otitis-media-000121.htm>.