Publisher's Description:
As of today, MProfit Investor is now FREE, the only limit is that MProfit Investor can manage an invested amount of up to Rs. 50 lakhs. Other than that you can use all the features of MProfit Investor for as long as you like and never have to pay for it.
Need to manage your families investments? FREE
Want to import your mutual fund transactions? FREE
Plan to import contract notes from over 200+ brokers? FREE
Need a capital gains report? FREE
I think you get the idea, basically everything in MProfit Investor is now FREE. The next logical question might be – How are we going to make money? As you might have noticed we have several other versions of MProfit that are paid and hence that is where we make our money. Enough about our finances, why don’t you download the FREE version of MProfit Investor and get YOUR finances in order!
Publisher's Website: Here
Download: Here