FDA Approved Medications:
- Minoxidil = Rogaine (over-the-counter liquid or foam)
- Finasteride = Propecia (prescription medication)
External Means to Reduce DHT
- Shampoo hair daily
- Use shampoo with clobetasol (stops excessive production of DHT)
- Use shampoo with Shen Min (herb) (prevents DHT development)
- Use pumpkin seed oil. Rub it onto scalp before bedtime. (inhibits DHT Formation)
- Black Tea (rinse hair after shampooing, then apply conditioner)
- Nettle Tea (rinse hair after shampooing, then apply conditioner)
- Diluted apple cider vinegar (rinse 2x/week - remove dead skin cells)
- Massage scalp (5 minutes/day - stimulates follicles, increases circulation)
Internal Means to Reduce DHT
- Take herbs that reduces DHT
- Increase zinc levels (Reduces DHT production)
- Increase isoflavones
- Increase biotin (food or biotin supplements)
- Increase phytosterols
- Increase Vitamin C
- Increase iron levels (deficiency can lead to hair loss)
- Saw palmetto supplement (stops DHT formation)
- Pumpkin seeds or extract
- Primrose oil
- Pygeum extract
- Emu oil
- Green tea (liquid or tablets) (flavonols, catechins)
- Nettle tea (3-4 tsp. + 2/3 cup water, tablets form available, reduces DHT)
- β-Sitosterol supplement (phytosterols)
- He Shou Wu (Chinese herb, increases circulation to scalp)
- Quercetin
Foods that contains zinc:
- Oysters
- Toasted Wheat Germ
- Veal Liver
- Low Fat Roast Beef
- Roasted Pumpkin Seed
- Dark Chocolate
- Cocoa Powder
- Lamb
- Peanuts
- Crab
Foods that contain isoflavones:
- Soy protein
- Edamame
- Tempeh
- Miso
Food that increases phytosterols:
- Wheat germ
- Use sesame oil, corn oil, canola oil, or olive oil
- Peanuts, almonds, macadamia nuts
- Brussels sprouts
- Rye bread
Foods That Contains Biotin:
- Egg yolk
- Liver
- Whole wheat bread
- Cheddar cheese
- Pork
- Salmon
- Raspberries
- Avocado
Any information provided on www.answersoutlined.blogspot.com is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not provided as medical advice. Information in this article is not exhaustive, does not cover all conditions, and does not provide treatment for disease or illness. Information can become outdated when new scientific discoveries are made. Seek the advice of your physician before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, or medical program.
Mayoclinic.com. "Hair loss: Treatments and drugs - MayoClinic.com." 2010. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hair-loss/DS00278/DSECTION=treatments-and-drugs>.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. "Saw Palmetto." 2006. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/herb/saw-palmetto>.
Gottlieb, Bill Alternative cures : the most effective natural home remedies for 160 health problems. Rodale, Emmaus, Pa, 2000.
Feinstein, Alice and Prevention Magazine Health Books Prevention's healing with vitamins : the most effective vitamin and mineral treatments for everyday health problems and serious disease-- from allergies and arthritis to water retention and wrinkles. Rodale Press ; [New York] : Distributed in the book trade by St. Martin's Press, Emmaus, Penn, 1996.
LIVESTRONG.COM. "Pygeum and Hair Loss." 2011. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/546657-pygeum-and-hair-loss/>.
LIVESTRONG.COM. "Foods High in Phytosterols." 2010. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/304017-foods-high-in-phytosterols/>.
Healthaliciousness.com. "Top 10 Foods Highest in Zinc." 2011. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/zinc.php>.
Betasitosterolbenefits.com. "Prostate Health and Beta-Sitosterol | Articles." 2013. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://betasitosterolbenefits.com/articles/prostate-health-and-beta-sitosterol.php>.
Webmd.com. "BETA-SITOSTEROL: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings - WebMD." 2001. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-939-BETA-SITOSTEROL.aspx?activeIngredientId=939>.
Advancednaturalmedicine.com. "Hair Loss Treatments - He Shou Wu and Saw Palmetto." 1998. Web. 23 Mar 2013. <http://www.advancednaturalmedicine.com/hair-renewal/hair-loss-treatments.html>.