Screen Shapes and Controls

Screen Shapes and Controls
Publisher: Iconico, Inc.
Platform: Windows
Regular Price: $19.50
Price Now: Free

Publisher's Description:
Screen Shapes and Controls gives you an easy way to show customers how a proposed application or website will look and behave, without the need for any technical expertise or programming. On the other hand, if you’re a client, you can use Screen Shapes and Controls to give your programmer a good idea of what you want the finished product to look like – it’s a lot better than scribbling on a whiteboard!

With Screen Shapes and Controls, you’ll be able to store your favorite scenes for quick and easy retrieval, giving you the ability to quickly modify them to create new scenes with the same basic elements. And when you’ve created a scene and you want to show it off to a programmer or client, you can publish it as an XML file on your website, so that it’s viewable from any web connection.

The ability to transform your visions into working prototypes makes Screen Shapes and Controls a valuable part of your development workflow!