Hair Loss, Fungal Infection, and the Cure

You are losing your hair and wondering if it could be caused by other factors besides genetics.
Before you grab the Rogaine consider the possibility of a fungal infection. Fungal infections can cause hair loss. If you exercise at a gym or swim at a local pool you could become infected with a fungal infection. 

Many people have seen success in regrowing hair by applying Monistat ointment on the affected area. The Monistat kills the fungal infection and thus enables your hair to grow properly again. The active ingredient in Monistat 3 is the 4% Miconazole Nitrate. 

The treatment requires a daily application of the ointment on the affected areas after shampooing. Visual results are not typically seen in weeks. It requires time to destroy the fungus and the hair follicles to heal. Initially the hair will regrow as very fine strands that are easily damaged. Therefore, it will appear as though there is no progress. However, under careful inspection of the area there will be signs of peach fuzz like hair. After a couple of months, the hairs begin to grow in thicker and stronger. Time, patience, and persistence is the key to curing hair loss due to fungal infection.