antioxidants (2)
minerals (magnesium, chromium)
Mental Benefits:
Improve mood (1)
Improve alertness (1)
Improve cognitive function (1)
Improve memory (1)
antioxidants (2)
minerals (magnesium, chromium)
Mental Benefits:
Improve mood (1)
Improve alertness (1)
Improve cognitive function (1)
Improve memory (1)
Decreases the risk of developing basal cell carcinoma (12)
Decrease the risk of stroke (antioxidants)
Lowers the risk of heart rhythm disturbances (14)
Lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease (three cups of coffee daily) (7)(12)
May lower risk of Parkinson's disease (8)
Lessen the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
May lower risk of type II diabetes (5,6)
Controls blood sugar
Reduces the risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis (9, 10)
May decrease risk of dying (11)
Weight Loss:
Increases metabolic rate (3)
Reduces fat (increase oxidation of fatty acids) (3)
Coffee is a mild diuretic (caffeine)
Athletic Performance:
Improves athletic performance - reaction time (1)(4)
Consumption of unfiltered coffee may slightly elevate cholesterol levels. (13)
Excessive consumption of coffee (4 or more /day) often causes restlessness, irritability and sleeplessness.
May increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women who drink numerous cups of coffee daily (14)
Updated: 3/19/2013
Any information provided on www.answersoutlined.blogspot.com is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not provided as medical advice. Information in this article is not exhaustive, does not cover all conditions, and does not provide treatment for disease or illness. Information can become outdated when new scientific discoveries are made. Seek the advice of your physician before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, or medical program.
Decrease the risk of stroke (antioxidants)
Lowers the risk of heart rhythm disturbances (14)
Lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease (three cups of coffee daily) (7)(12)
May lower risk of Parkinson's disease (8)
Lessen the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
May lower risk of type II diabetes (5,6)
Controls blood sugar
Reduces the risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis (9, 10)
May decrease risk of dying (11)
Weight Loss:
Increases metabolic rate (3)
Reduces fat (increase oxidation of fatty acids) (3)
Coffee is a mild diuretic (caffeine)
Athletic Performance:
Improves athletic performance - reaction time (1)(4)
Consumption of unfiltered coffee may slightly elevate cholesterol levels. (13)
Excessive consumption of coffee (4 or more /day) often causes restlessness, irritability and sleeplessness.
May increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women who drink numerous cups of coffee daily (14)
Updated: 3/19/2013
Any information provided on www.answersoutlined.blogspot.com is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not provided as medical advice. Information in this article is not exhaustive, does not cover all conditions, and does not provide treatment for disease or illness. Information can become outdated when new scientific discoveries are made. Seek the advice of your physician before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, or medical program.
1. Ruxton, C. H. S. (2008), The impact of caffeine on mood, cognitive function, performance and hydration: a review of benefits and risks. Nutrition Bulletin, 33: 15–25. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-3010.2007.00665.x
2. Jn.nutrition.org (2004). Intakes of Antioxidants in Coffee, Wine, and Vegetables Are Correlated with Plasma Carotenoids in Humans. [online] Retrieved from: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/134/3/562.short [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
3. Ajcn.nutrition.org (1980). Caffeine and coffee: their influence on metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals.. [online] Retrieved from: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/33/5/989.short [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
4. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov (1994). Caffeine and sports activity: a review. [Int J Sports Med. 1994] - PubMed - NCBI. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7960313/ [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
5. Link.springer.com (2009). Coffee and tea consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes - Springer. [online] Retrieved from: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00125-009-1516-3 [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
6. Nmcd-journal.com (2011). Coffee consumption and the incidence of type 2 diabetes in men and women with normal glucose tolerance: The Strong Heart Study. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.nmcd-journal.com/article/S0939-4753(09)00279-8/abstract [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
7. Iospress.metapress.com (2010). Caffeine as a Protective Factor in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease - Journal of Alzheimer's Disease - Volume 20, Supplement 1/ 2010 - IOS Press. [online] Retrieved from: http://iospress.metapress.com/content/a423p6m256u26742/ [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
8. Onlinelibrary.wiley.com (2007). Coffee and tea consumption and the risk of Parkinson's disease - Hu - 2007 - Movement Disorders - Wiley Online Library. [online] Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mds.21706/abstract [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
9. Gastrojournal.org (2007). Coffee Consumption and Risk of Liver Cancer: A Meta-Analysis. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(07)00568-9/abstract?referrer=http://lifehacker.com/coffee/ [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
10. Annalsofepidemiology.org (2003). Coffee Intake and Mortality from Liver Cirrhosis. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.annalsofepidemiology.org/article/S1047-2797(02)00462-3/abstract [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
11. Annals.org ( 2008). Annals of Internal Medicine | The Relationship of Coffee Consumption with Mortality. [online] Retrieved from: http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=668690 [Accessed: 25 Feb 2013].
12. Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee
Medical Daily. "Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee." 2012. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <http://www.medicaldaily.com/articles/11537/20120816/coffee-benefits-diabetes-parkinsons-disease-alzheimers-heart.htm>.
13. Mayoclinic.com. "Coffee and health: What does the research say? - MayoClinic.com." 2005. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/coffee-and-health/AN01354>.
14. Webmd.com. "Health Benefits of Coffee - WebMD." 2009. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food?page=2>.
12. Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee
Medical Daily. "Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee." 2012. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <http://www.medicaldaily.com/articles/11537/20120816/coffee-benefits-diabetes-parkinsons-disease-alzheimers-heart.htm>.
13. Mayoclinic.com. "Coffee and health: What does the research say? - MayoClinic.com." 2005. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/coffee-and-health/AN01354>.
14. Webmd.com. "Health Benefits of Coffee - WebMD." 2009. Web. 19 Mar 2013. <http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food?page=2>.